
american psychologists中文是什么意思

  • 美鼓理学家



  • 例句与用法
  • American psychologist j . wallas ' s theory of " four stages "
    2 、韦特默的结构说。
  • This is said by an american psychologist
  • The attribution theory by american psychologist b . weiner ; 3
    2 、美国心理学家韦纳的归因理论。
  • American psychologist and pediatrician noted for his research on child development
  • A new book by c . a . tripp , an american psychologist , concludes that lincoln - america ' s greatest president - was a gay man
  • Flavell , j . h . : metacognition and cognitive monitoring : a new area of cognitive - develo pmental inquiry . american psychologist , 1979 , 19
    施建农: 《超常与常态儿童记忆和记忆监控的比较研究》 , 《心理学报》 1990年第3期。
  • Gordon allport , an american psychologist , found nearly 18 , 000 english words characterizing differences in people ' s behavior
    (美国的心理学家高顿爱尔波特发现有一万个英语单词可以用来表达人们行为的不同特征。 )
  • A gifted american psychologist has said , " worry is a spasm of the emotion ; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go "
    一位天才的美国心理学家说过: “烦恼是感情的一阵发作;脑子被某件事纠缠着而又抛不开它。 ”
  • A gifted american psychologist has said : “ worry is a spasm of the emotion ; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go
    一个天才的美国心理学家曾经说: “烦恼是感情的发作,此时脑子纠缠住了某种东西又不肯放手。 ”
  • One of the foremost american psychologists of the time william james ( see photo ) ( 1842 - 1910 ) called for a serious study of paranormal phenomena
    当时美国最著名的心理学家之一,威廉?詹姆斯( 1842 - 1910 ) ,号召对超常现象进行严肃的研究。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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